Saturday, March 16, 2024

Wine and Cheese - #2

  Tonight, my boyfriend and I had our second wine and cheese night. His roommate also joined in. 

We tried each wine with each cheese, which were Apalachian Tomme, Monterey Jack, and Dill Havarti cheeses. Below are my observations:

Barefoot Sauvingnon Blanc – Smells like crisp apples, tastes a little bit tarte with flavors of pear and lemon. Overall not very flavorful.
  • Tomme – This cheese is very rich and totally overpowered the wine. The wine's flavor did not come through very much.
  • Monterey Jack – The wine tasted very pear-y and sweet when paired with this cheese. The slight sharpness complimented the lightness of the wine.
  • Dill Havarti – The dill was very strong in the cheese which distracted a bit from the wine. Overall, it didn't particularly bring out any flavors in the wine.
Pioneiro Vinho Tinto Red Wine Blend – This wine smelled a bit spicy but had a fairly medium-to-light body and mild flavor. Its main flavor was a tobacco/smokey taste.
  • Tomme – The wine tasted very mild, it wasn't a bad pairing but overall the cheese did not enhance the wine, and it was a bit bland.
  • Monterey Jack – The spicyness was really brought out in the wine, which was surprising. This was a great pairing.
  • Dill Havarti – The dill completley overpowered the flavors of the wine. I could feel the alcohol in my mouth but it had little to a mild taste.

Reguengos Alentejo Doc Red Wine Blend – taboccoey smell with a slightly spicy and bitter taste, medium body

  • Tomme – Wine was very smooth, and the cheese flavor was enhanced but did not overpower the wine.
  • Monterey Jack – Made wine taste very bitter and took away most of the tobacco flavors, not a good pairing
  • Dill Havarti – Out of all the wines, this one paired best with this cheese. It made the wine have a smooth mouthfeel, but the bitter flavor was enhanced, which was a bit unpleasant.

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Wine and Cheese #3

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